Mother Tongue Programmes – online or at a local school

The registration for 2025/26 opens March 15, 2025.

Many families with one or two Swedish parents living abroad, try to speak Swedish with their children, often with the goal for the children to be able to study and work in Sweden in the future. But achieving and keeping a language on a high level when you live in another country means hard work. Often it is not enough to speak the language at home; a defined strategy is needed if you want to reach an advanced language level.

Global Svenska Plus’ Mother tongue programmes are based on the guidelines in the Swedish National Agency for Education’s (Skolverkets) syllabus for Supplementary Education for Swedish school aged nationals abroad (Skolverkets kursplan i svenska för kompletterande undervisning för svenska elever i utlandet). Some are partly subsidised by Skolverket, and each course package is available in most time zones. All our teachers are experienced professionals with valid teacher certificates.

Most of our students choose to study Swedish in one of our teacher-led study groups online. The groups normally consist of three to six students who have an even language level. They have a fixed number of teacher-led lessons via Zoom together in a school year, but some meet (online) outside class as well, to work together on assignments or just to chat with their new Swedish friends. At some schools we can offer on site teaching, too. Most recently this is the case at Collège Charles III in Monaco.

The group lessons are at least 60 minutes and the students receive different kinds of homework every week as all GSP students are expected to work on reading and writing tasks between classes.

Language levels

To become a GSP student you need to speak Swedish quite fluently. The appropriate level is determined by an initial diagnostic test implemented shortly after our first contact. If the student is not yet ready for our courses, we take the liberty of letting you know. We normally use the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages* in our assessment and evaluation work. The diagnosis is of course free of charge. Please contact us for more information

Standard mother tongue packages include

  • Diagnosis
  • Scheduled teaching with certified teachers of Swedish
  • Teaching materials and fiction 
  • Individualized exercises
  • Individual feedback on texts and exercises

PLEASE NOTE! Our material can also be tailored to part-time schools and school associations. The student’s Swedish state grant can then be used, just like other teaching materials. Contact us regarding prices, arrangements, and schedule.

*We use the European Common Framework of Reference for Languages ​​in our assessment and evaluation. Level A1-A2 describes the language of a person with limited everyday language skills. B1 and B2 are intermediate levels where you can talk and write about most things without much effort, while levels C1 and C2 are advanced levels where you can use the language freely even in academic and professional contexts. The first part of the course is at level B2 + / C1. Read more about language levels according to the European language framework, CEFR.